Seduce Him Completely by Playing Hard to Get

Have you ever been labeled as spoiled for playing hard to get? Do you just care about how he feels about you? Does playing hard to get mean that you will never get him? Most women play hard to get with no idea why the game works. This article is meant to explain how and why to play hard to get the right way.

Saying no is not playing hard to get. Playing hard to get means that you are not pushing for more than he can give you. It is also meant to mean that he has to earn your heart over time. He never has to know that you truly care by playing hard to get.

Playing hard to get means that you are not always available for him. If he calls you, tell him that you will have to call him back. If he asks you out, tell him that you have to check your schedule. If he wants to go out, tell him that you would love to but you have plans.

Let him make the plans. A woman who is too available makes herself seem old, worn out, and eventless. You want a man to feel like he is the one putting forth the effort to keep you.

Saying no to a man when you are playing hard to get won’t make him instantly give up. On the contrary, it will probably turn him on and cause him to want to find out more about you. Men are lazy in love. When a man doesn’t have to make an effort to make his woman happy he doesn’t have to try as hard. That’s how he is with most men. It takes him a long time to work up the courage to ask you out and a long time to work up the courage to figure out that he really does care.

Either way, playing hard to get is a huge part of decoding male psychology. Holding back and letting him be the one to do a little work is the sure way to ensure that your relationship is one filled with love, security, and endless amounts of fun.